[Peace-discuss] Fitgerald mtg/support SR 32

Ricky Baldwin baldwinricky at yahoo.com
Mon Feb 3 07:03:01 CST 2003

--- Lisa Chason <chason at shout.net> wrote:
> I was the only one in the audience with a sign,
> which I held up high through much of the meeting.
> Thanks to a reference in one of the emails yesterday
> on the listserve, it said 'Support SR 32'. I got
> interviewed by all the media asking what it referred
> to. [snip]

I think there's a little lesson here, by the way:
sometimes it's better to tease.  I remember something
Abbie Hoffman said when he was involved in an
environmental group whose name at the time was really
long and explanatory (the equivalent of "Rantoul
Citizens for the Preservation of the Illinois
River")... He convinced them to change their name to
just plain "Save the River".  It's catchy, but it also
teases.  So you walk around with a t-shirt that sas
"Save the River," and somebody asks you, "What river?"
 And you say, "The Illinois River."  They ask you,
"Save it from what?"  And the next thing you know
you're having a conversation and you've got them on
your side.

Just a thought.

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