[Peace-discuss] Re: anti-racism (Action Requested)

John Fettig jfettig at students.uiuc.edu
Mon Feb 10 13:04:19 CST 2003

* Peter Rohloff <rohloff at uiuc.edu>: 
> So the ACTION requested is that each of you would make a list of
> potential resources  and contacts: community leaders, friendly
> churches and ministers, neighborhood organizations, university
> faculty, student organizations, etc. Email these to me at
> rohloff at uiuc.edu and I will compile them for our next meeting. This
> list will form a working database of 'experts' on racism and violence
> that AWARE can use for self-education as well as contact points for
> coalition building and cooperative efforts.  

I am wondering if we are also compiling a list of community resources
that are not necessarily related to race issues.  We had a small
discussion at the meeting last week of compiling a "friendly churches"
list for purposes such as spreading news about upcoming events and
whatnot.  Is this list in progress as well?  Who do I contact to add to
that list?


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