[Peace-discuss] Kenneth Pollack on PBS

pfmueth at ameritech.net pfmueth at ameritech.net
Fri Feb 21 15:40:10 CST 2003

Pollack was featured at length on last night's Frontline on Petroleum 
Broadcasting. . .overall it was wretched.

Even the best footage which showed Clintonoid reactions to the famous 
teachin at ohio state where opposition to Iraq policy Sanctions and 
beyond was voiced to the great chagrin of Mad Albright et al, even 
this was used to show how weak Clinton was in confronting Iraq.

What they didn't have was anyone to say that the Bush administration 
commitment to democracy doesn't meet the guffaw test . .

They rather had someone saying that it would be a difficult daunting project.

It also ended with this dramatic line .. .

only one person will determine if there will be war on Iraq


Who made him emperor?

usually they say it's Saddam Hussain

write and complain,

I've got a grainy copy of this state propaganda

it's not by Peter Boyer whose Give War a Chance was till now the 
worst Frontline .. .

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