[Peace-discuss] Fwd:Stop the war before it starts

jencart jencart at mycidco.com
Fri Feb 28 08:53:19 CST 2003

Dear Jenifer M. Cartwright,

We may be less than two weeks away from an unjust and murderous war. What you do now can change history.

On Friday, February 28, the Not In Our Name statement of conscience appears as a full-page ad in Le Monde, the major newspaper of France. The ad carries an equal number of French and American signers, in a show of solidarity at a time when France is being viciously attacked in the U.S. media. Future ads are planned to reach members of the U.S. armed forces. Your continuing support makes this possible. Visit our web site at www.nion.us, and send your contributions to Not In Our Name, 158 Church St, PMB9, New York, NY 10007.

On Wednesday, March 5, there will be a NATIONWIDE MORATORIUM against any war on Iraq. This Moratorium and national student strike have been endorsed by all the major antiwar organizations. As the call for the moratorium asks, "what's that line you haven't crossed yet to show your determination to stop this war?" For more information on how to get involved go to www.moratoriumtostopwar.org.

To build for this momentous action, two-time Academy award winning filmmaker Barbara Kopple has produced a series of TV spots to appear on MTV and BET. This costs big bucks. Send your tax-deductible contribution to Cabin Creek Center for Work and Environmental Studies, 155 Sixth Avenue, 10th floor, New York, NY 10013.

On February 17, some of the nation's greatest poets gathered at the Lincoln Center in New York to read at an event called "Poems Not Fit for the White House." This evening of antiwar poetry is available for broadcast by noncommercial campus and community radio. For information, visit our web site at www.nion.us.

Let's stop this war before it starts!

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