[Peace-discuss] Mike's articles. Antiracism?

Morton K.Brussel brussel at staff.uiuc.edu
Mon Jul 14 12:14:27 CDT 2003

My less gentle reaction to back up what Carl has already said:

In trying to make sense of the articles on racism cited passionately by 
Mike at the AWARE meeting, I conclude that because of their 
impenetrability they cannot possibly form a feasible basis for a 
reasoned discussion of racism . But perhaps Mike or someone else could 
try to explain them to us in ungarbled language.

Although I would describe them, especially the "the white anti-racist 
is an oxymoron..." piece, as destructively virulent and vile screeds, 
they seem mostly sheer convoluted nonsense.

Your fellow coconspirator, Mort

Morton K. Brussel
2003 George Huff Drive
Urbana, Illinois, 61801-6203
Tel. 217 337-0118

Preferred email: brussel at uiuc.edu

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