[Peace-discuss] Fwd:Urgent: Support Kucinich -- Join MoveOn (please circulat

jencart jencart at mycidco.com
Thu Jun 12 14:15:08 CDT 2003



BULLETIN: In the MoveOn.org online straw poll of its members, Dennis  Kucinich ranked among the top of the 9 presidential candidates. Very  soon, there will be another round of voting. If you are not already a  MoveOn member, join now -- and forward this to your friends encouraging  them to join. http://www.moveon.org/keepmeposted/

By joining MoveOn's election process, you gain a voice with other  progressive activists in issues selection, as well as candidate  endorsements and funding.

Ours is an unusual presidential campaign led by a unique candidate. On  February 15, when peace protests rocked the planet, it was Dennis Kucinich  who joined a half-million activists on the streets of New York -- no  surprise, since he'd led antiwar opposition in Congress for the previous 5  months (and leads it today as he demands that the White House release  intelligence about its dire pre-war claims. http://www.kucinich.us)

Kucinich is the only Democratic candidate who joined activists from  environmental, labor and social justice movements on the streets of Seattle  in 1999 to protest the WTO and the ravages of corporate-dominated trade  deals negotiated behind closed doors.

Other Democrats are much cozier with the corporate lobbyists and lawyers who  bring in bundled donations and buy tables for ten at expensive fundraising  dinners, but Kucinich is the candidate who joins community activists in  protests to keep public hospitals open, and walks picket lines with workers  seeking economic justice.

Our goal in this campaign is to win the nomination. We know we can't do that,  and that Democrats won't turn back the Bush agenda in 2004, without building  the grassroots organizations that can counteract GOP money and media  dominance with our organized people power.

That's why we stress the importance of MoveOn, one of the most effective  groups mobilizing people power -- online and off -- for peace, justice,  equality and the effort to defeat Bush in '04. Join MoveOn at  http://www.moveon.org/keepmeposted/

Others are building permanent grassroots organizations. One such group  is True Majority http://www.truemajority.org/, which campaigns to shift  our nation's budget priorities from bloated Pentagon spending toward  education, environment and eliminating poverty. Kucinich is the only  candidate who has made a budget shift away from the Pentagon central to  his campaign.

Please spread the word about our campaign to transform the Democratic Party  and our country. http://www.kucinich.us

To see the Kucinich platform in brochure form:
Circulate this brochure widely.

We don't have corporate backers. Please donate so we can amplify our message:  https://www.kucinich.us/contribute.php

Please forward this email to your friends, relatives, fellow activists and significant others.

If you would like to be removed from this mail list please click here:  http://www.kucinich.us/email/manage.php?key=ahhsjTmfWgJ3

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