[Peace-discuss] Fwd:Vote Kucinich in MoveOn Primary (Please forward)

jencart jencart at mycidco.com
Wed Jun 18 22:13:50 CDT 2003


Right now you can take a big step toward getting Dennis Kucinich, the  progressive choice, elected President. The peace and justice group  MoveOn.org is holding the "First Primary" - a massive online primary next  Tuesday and Wednesday to help those of us who aren't big money donors  get an EARLY voice in the Democratic Party process. Kucinich is a  favorite in the race; he was in the top three in the first MoveOn voting.  A good showing for Dennis will bring us activists, money and endorsements.

YOU MUST REGISTER TO VOTE NOW(if not already a MoveOn member):  http://www.moveon.org/pac/reg/

Tell everyone you know about the MoveOn primary. Forward this to your email  lists, your progressive pals and Dennis fans.

PS. Need more info about Kucinich: http://www.kucinich.us

PPS. Some great things happening.
- Dennis finished in top 3 at Wisconsin Dem State Primary over the weekend - Big endorsements expected in next few weeks
- Ralph Nader has invited Dennis to speak at a mass rally in Baltimore,  Thurs. June 26. http://democracyrising.org/baltimore/
- Dennis continues to lead on Capitol Hill in challenging the deceit that  led us to war in Iraq, saying on the House floor today: "As panic sets in  over the realization that the Administration misled the American people in  the cause of war, Republicans are refusing to hold public hearings.  Republicans just won't make Republicans accountable!"

If not already a MoveOn member, REGISTER NOW FOR TUESDAY'S PRIMARY http://www.moveon.org/pac/reg/

If you would like to be removed from this mail list please click here:  http://www.kucinich.us/email/manage.php?key=ahhsjTmfWgJ3

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