[Peace-discuss] Buchanan on our side

C. G. Estabrook galliher at alexia.lis.uiuc.edu
Mon Jun 30 21:09:12 CDT 2003

Of course Buchanan already has campaigned against Bush/Cheney -- which is
more than can be said of most Dem leaders -- when he was the Reform party
candidate for president.  His opposition to the imperial adventures in the
Middle East includes the first Gulf War, remember -- which the Dem leaders
supported.  Forgive me for quoting myself from the Public I (reprinted at

"...Patrick Buchanan was thoroughly rebuked when he remarked on the eve of
the US attack on Iraq in 1991, 'There are only two groups that are beating
the drums for war in the Middle East -- the Israeli Defense Ministry and
its amen corner in the United States.' But he was saying aloud what few
others were. What his national chauvinism prevented him from noticing was
that, in its avidity for war, the Israeli government was acting -- as it
had for more than a generation -- as the principal US client, our 'local
cop on the beat,' as the Nixon Administration had put it. It's this
ongoing role that explains what part Israel has in the current slaughter
of Iraqis..."

On Mon, 30 Jun 2003, Morton K.Brussel wrote:

> My 2¢:
> Will Buchanan campaign against Bush, Cheney et al? Or is he simply
> trying to show that he is "pro-troops"? Is he incensed at what has
> been done to Iraq? Etc.; it's hard (for me) to figure out where he's
> coming from. I therefore think Joe's cautious reflection is on the
> mark. The enemy of your enemy may not be your friend.
> On the other hand, any attack on the Bush policies which can enlighten
> the American public and alienate it from the administration is to be
> welcomed.  So I can smile with Carl on this.
> Mort

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