[Peace-discuss] listserves, can of worms

Joan Nelshoppen jnlshppn at prairienet.org
Wed Oct 8 11:12:11 CDT 2003

This might be opening up a can of worms but I think it is highly 
inappropriate and lacking in computer etiquette to sign up the peace list 
and the peace-discuss list to another organization's listserve (Center on 
Democracy in a Multiracial Society).

This holds no matter how worthy the organization:  if I have not asked to 
be on this list it is spam and I resent receiving it.

Wouldn't it be more appropriate for interested individuals to sign up for 
this list?  Then if they wanted to pass on the date of an event to the 
peace list or an interesting topic to the peace-discuss list, they could do 
so.  I hope the moderator of the peace lists will reconsider this practice.

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