[Peace-discuss] Fair Trade coffee

Clint Popetz clint at ucimc.org
Thu Sep 18 09:24:53 CDT 2003

> <DIV>I am trying to compile a list for the Public i of places in
> town where one +can buy Fair trade coffee (including, if possible
> grocery stores and other +places where it may be bought by the bag,
> but not brewed). </DIV> <DIV>&nbsp;</DIV> <DIV>If you know of a
> place, please email me and let me know where it is, brewed +or
> bagged, and if they have decaf.&nbsp; Thanks</DIV>

Please don't use html in email, if you can avoid it.  Those of us with
text-based readers will often delete such messages rather than hurt
our brains trying to read them.  

But when it's about COFFEE...:)

The IDF did a large fair-trade coffee campaign last year, and started
one (somewhat) this year.  You should contact Tina Gerdsorf
(mamateelee at yahoo.com) and Chris Lempa (chrislempa at ifairtrade.net) to
get such a list.


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