Dlind49 at aol.com Dlind49 at aol.com
Tue Sep 23 02:57:45 CDT 2003

This is just one instance / case that proves the leadership in DOD is broken, 
that they do not care, and are above the law! An investigation and consequent 
accountability for what has happened must be completely out of the control of 
anyone in DOD.  Gulf War 2 was/is based on verified lie! The Afghanistan 
invasion and overthrow of the Taliban was/is about an oil pipe line as 
congressional records prove. Illegal weapons were used by U.S. forces while consequently 
medical care and environmental clean up is not being completed as required by 
DOD directives and common sense.  Military leaders are willfully destroying or 
at least willfully misplacing officials documents that prove what has 
happened. Medical care is denied our injured combat veterans! U.S. military 
peersonnel are shooting and killing anyone that gets in their way and this is done in 
vilaoton of internaional law and common sense and nothing is done because the 
bad guys (DOD leaders)  always investigate themselves and declare they are 

doug rokke


Academy Assaults Blamed on Leadership

Filed at 2:46 a.m. ET

WASHINGTON (AP) -- Blame for a string of sexual assaults at the Air Force 
Academy goes all the way to the Pentagon, as officers in the highest levels of 
the Air Force failed to recognize clear signs that a severe problem existed at 
the military school, a congressional panel said.

The report, delivered Monday to Defense Secretary Donald H. Rumsfeld, marked 
the first time that accountability for the academy's sexual assault scandal 
was placed anywhere but academy leaders.

The seven-member panel, created by Congress earlier this year to investigate 
the academy's problems, said Pentagon Inspector General Joseph E. Schmitz 
should conduct a full investigation to determine which Air Force leaders should be 
held accountable for the failures.

``While the record is not complete, the evidence before the panel shows that 
the highest levels of leadership had information about serious problems at the 
academy, yet failed to take effective action,'' the report said.

Dozens of female cadets have said academy commanders were complacent about 
their complaints of sexual assault and in some cases punished them for minor 
rules violations if they reported they were attacked.

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