[Peace-discuss] Al Sharpton, etc.

Linda Evans veganlinda at yahoo.com
Tue Sep 23 13:45:50 CDT 2003

Does anyone know of any local Al Sharpton for
president supporter groups in the C-U area?  We've had
someone come from Kucinich and someone from Dean will
be at our next meeting.  I would like to hear from as
many dem presidential groups as possible. 

Just email me privately (veganlinda at yahoo.com) with
contacts if you know of anyone somewhat local who
might be able to come and talk at an AWARE meeting.



"There are some things you need just to stay alive:  food, water, a place to live, clothes to keep warm, help when you are ill or injured... Peace is having the things you need."  (Peace Begins with You by Katherine Scholes, children's book)

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