[Peace-discuss] Edward Said

Ra Ravishankar ravishan at students.uiuc.edu
Thu Sep 25 09:15:19 CDT 2003

I wish someone could tell me this is not true, but sadly, it appears
to be true. all one can do is to take heart from the fact that his words
will live forever ...



From: David R Faust <faust011 at tc.umn.edu>
To: Foil-L at insaf.net

Tragic news that does not seem to have come out in the media.

---------- Forwarded message ----------

Dear Colleagues,

It is with great personal sorrow that we inform you of the death of
Edward W. Said, today, the 24th of September, 2003, at approximately
4 p.m. EST.  Edward had been very ill for the past couple of weeks
and last night he was re-admitted to the hospital (he had been
released last week and was thought to be recovering).  However, it
was not to be and this afternoon, he was taken off the respirator and
died shortly thereafter.  For us -- and we know for the entire
academic community as well as everyone who had believed in
Palestinian sovereignty, not to mention the self-determination of
oppressed and exploited people worldwide -- this is a loss that will
never be overcome.

With regret,

Timothy Brennan and Keya Ganguly

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