[Peace-discuss] No anti-war candidates!

ndahlhei at uiuc.edu ndahlhei at uiuc.edu
Thu Aug 5 00:22:01 CDT 2004

We have dire straits facing those who favor an anti-
war platform from the presidential candidate we wish to vote 
for.  It's really bad when neither the Republicans or 
Democrats want to oppose the War on Terror right now, in 
particular the illegitimate occupation of Iraq.  But, keep 
in mind the deeper issues of the coming period of the 
peaking of world oil production and the weakness of American 
currency.  Peace will not come without a new energy policy 
and fast!!!  Time is running out!!!  The war in Iraq is 
completely about oil!!!  The corporate elite that really run 
our pseudo-democracy are looking to install a more 
repressive regime at home under a figurehead, puppet 
president (which either another Bush Administration or a 
Kerry Administration will ultimately be) while they use the 
increased government power to mobilize for more wars in the 
Infinite War for Dwindling Oil.  Note my earlier postings 
regarding the dire straits of world oil supply.  The 
alternative fuels may not make up for the coming supply 
shortages in oil that the Iraq war is supposedly going to 
offset in the very short term.  The energy crisis will lead 
to more war and more bloodshed, let's reexamine the deeper 
systemic elements that make our society one that is so 
militaristic to begin with: our materialism fed by an 
insatiable desire for dwindling oil supplies without any 
real concerted effort to pursue serious conservation or 
convert to the multitude of diverse fuels necessary to make 
up for the upcoming energy shortfall from Peak Oil.

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