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Sun Feb 8 03:56:54 CST 2004

What happens when thousands of Americans join each other in common

Some pretty powerful stuff.

Today, Howard Dean is on the covers of Time, Newsweek, and US News &
World Report.

On Sunday, the Des Moines Register Poll showed Howard Dean taking the
lead in the important state of Iowa.

And as you read this, we are on the air with a new television spot in
Texas-- an important primary state--inviting the people of Texas to join
our grassroots campaign to defeat George W. Bush.

Never before have so many Americans, from so many different walks of
life, come together and changed our political landscape so quickly.

You made this possible.

You spread the word, you asked others to join our cause, and your
efforts made our second quarter fundraising report so strong it changed
the whole structure of the race for the Democratic Party nomination.

Over a quarter million Americans did what they could afford to do to get
us here.  Some contributed hard-earned dollars, some wrote letters to
undecided voters in Iowa, others gave what they could in terms of time
and volunteered to leaflet or attend an organizing meeting or rally.
Each participated in our democracy; each made our campaign stronger.  

Now your support-- when added to the actions and support of thousands
and thousands of other Americans-- has caused such a thunderclap across
our nation that this week millions of Americans will be reading and
learning about Howard Dean and our cause for the first time. 

So this is the week to engage in the great American conversation-- to
tell others why you support Howard Dean and ask them to join our
campaign. Our goal is to have 450,000 Americans join our campaign by
September 30th. We can do it!  Today we have 251,823 supporters
nationwide.  We have less than 60 days to nearly double our support--
but what a week to reach out to others and invite them to join our
campaign by forwarding this email and this link:

Bringing more people into the political process is the number one goal
of this campaign. While George W. Bush takes off the month of August to
vacation in Texas, Howard Dean and over a quarter of a million Americans
will be working to grow our campaign and spread our message. To track
our progress, we're starting a new campaign on our weblog. For every
5,000 people that you and thousands of other Americans help to bring to
the Dean campaign, we'll add an alarm clock to the blog-- because the
grassroots never sleeps. You can follow our progress (and download the
Texas ad) here: 

At this Wednesday's Meetup, we'll be writing personal letters to voters
in New Hampshire. It was the letters sent from Dean Meetup members to
Iowans that helped us take the lead in the Iowa Poll. It is important
that you attend this Wednesday's Meetup-- and bring at least one friend
with you. Sign up for your Meetup here:

And now for one last bit of news. As you know, we raised $508,000 during
our recent Dean Team vs Bush-Cheney Challenge. A little over $100,000 of
that was used to pay for the ads we are running in Texas. 
  So what are we doing with the rest of it? Well, you are the first to
know that thanks to you we will be the first campaign to go on the air
in New Hampshire and Boston, starting tomorrow.

The news this week is incredible, and now is the time for us to redouble
our efforts to build a campaign of the people, by the people and for the
people.  If we reach our goal of 450,000 Americans by September 30th, we
will be able to show that the last ten days of June-- 10 days that shook
up this race-- were

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