[Peace-discuss] Demos debate today 2p on C-Span

jencart jencart at mycidco.com
Sun Jan 4 09:23:50 CST 2004

Joe Trippi writes --

At today's debate you will see the other candidates on the attack against Howard Dean.  The same thing is happening on the ground in Iowa, New Hampshire, South Carolina, and elsewhere - all their energy is focused on tearing down what you've built.

They're not trying to stop Howard Dean - they're trying to stop you.  We can only win if we stand together and everybody participates:


We can't do this alone.  There are more than 280,000 Americans who have given at least $10 to take ownership of our democracy - but our campaign needs to reach millions in order to succeed.

Invite your friends and family to watch today's debate with you.  After the debate, log on to your computer with them.  Tell them that just $10 can change our political process and keep Howard Dean going.  Take the time to walk them through the process and help them send a message that even $10 can change America.

Thank you for all that you do - and please spread the word.  

Joe Trippi
Campaign Manager
Dean for America

P.S. -- The debate will air today, Sunday, at 3:00 PM Eastern on CNN and C-Span - check your local listings or watch the event live at www.c-span.org.

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Gov. Howard Dean, M.D. for President

| Paid for by Dean For America                             | 
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