[Peace-discuss] Community Book Discussion

Regina Cassidy rcassidy at parkland.edu
Sun Jan 4 15:15:48 CST 2004

This month's CPL newsletter announces a "giant book club" (in
conjunction with the N-G).  The entire community is invited to read the
same book and the library will host a series of discussions and "special
programs" related to the book.  Why not make this into a useful arena to
address the dreadful problems resulting from Bush's WOT?

There are five choices.  The only one I am familiar with is Farenheit
457 by Ray Bradbury.  I believe the creeping distrust of people who seek
out information makes this a good choice, what with the Patriot Act and
our latest Almanac episode.

The other choices are: Cold Mountain by Charles Frazier, Ella Minow Pea:
A Novel in Letters by Mark Dunn, A Painted House by John Grisham and
Peace Like a River by Leif Enger.

If anyone can make a good argument for one of these over the Bradbury
book, I suggest everyone go to the library (by Jan. 31) and vote for it,
then participate in the discussions/events.

We can turn what may be meant as a token "community" event into
something meaningful.


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