[Peace-discuss] Door to Door

Evan Past epastreich at yahoo.com
Wed Jun 9 21:39:51 CDT 2004

I am happy to make up a flier. 

Here is the first proposal. I would like to get three
or more people to commit just about 5 hours to go door
in the next few weeks. We will have AWARE material,
Democracy Now! material and a flier listing useful
sites for reliable news and a few important stories
left out of the mainstream media. 

We will speak to people and 1) promote Democracy Now
(seeing it via Dish TV, demanding it be shown here,
seeing it via the internet, getting on its mailing
list); 2) ask them to join AWARE; 3) ask them to learn
more about what is really happening in this country;
4) ask them to help us going door-to-door.

Please e-mail me if you are interested in such a
critical project. 



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