[Peace-discuss] Fw: Amy Goodman in Chicago Thurs 6/17

Randall Cotton recotton at earthlink.net
Thu Jun 10 10:43:19 CDT 2004

In case you'll be in Chicago or know folks there who may be interested....

----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Democracy Now!" <booktour at democracynow.org>
To: <recotton at earthlink.net>
Sent: Thursday, June 10, 2004 10:26 AM
Subject: Amy Goodman in Chicago Thurs 6/17


Chicago, IL
Thursday, June 17, 8:00 PM
Socialism 2004 Conference
Doubletree Hotel--Chicago O'Hare Airport
5460 North River Road, Rosemont, IL
Tickets for this event: $10 at the door
or from 6:00 pm, at the Socialism 2004 registration
table in the Holiday Inn-O'Hare lobby next door
No additional charge for conference registrants

For the latest information, check http://www.democracynow.org/book


Amy Goodman, host of the national, daily radio/TV program Democracy Now!, is
on a national tour to mark the launch of her first book "The Exception to
the Rulers: Exposing Oily Politicians, War Profiteers, and the Media That
Love Them" (co-written with her brother, journalist David Goodman).

Spread the word! For event details and a complete schedule of tour dates,
and how to order a book as a gift, for yourself, or for a library or a
prison book program, go to http://www.democracynow.org/book. The book tour
website has downloadable posters, flyers, and an easy event-by-event Email A
Friend option.


About "The Exception to the Rulers!"

"Hard-hitting, no-holds barred brand of reporting... fierce and
tireless." -Publishers Weekly

"What journalism should be: beholden to the interests of people, not power
and profit." -Arundhati Roy, author, The God of Small Things

"Amy Goodman has taken investigative journalism to new heights." -Noam
Chomsky, author, 9/11 and Hegemony or Survival

"Amy Goodman [carries] the great muckraking tradition of Upton Sinclair,
George Seldes, and I.F. Stone into the electronic age."
-Howard Zinn, historian and author, A People's History of the United States

"Pick up this book, shake your head in disbelief and disgust as you read it,
and then...go raise some hell!" -Michael Moore, Academy-award winning
director, Bowling for Columbine

And the rulers take exception!

"Hostile, combative, and even disrespectful." -President Bill Clinton

"A threat to national security." -The Indonesian military

"Not easy-listening." -The New York Times

"I have advised my mother to talk to no reporters because of ... people like
you." -Former House Speaker Newt Gingrich

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