[Peace-discuss] Re: Peace-discuss Digest, Vol 5, Issue 39

Rich Frazin xxx36148 at yahoo.com
Fri Jun 18 15:05:38 CDT 2004

Look, philosophical meanderings about private property aside,
as a practical matter we want Bordman on our side.  If our
actions anger him, we won't have any table at all.  We should
just mention to him that AWARE is promoting David Gill for 15th
district congressional seat.  I suspect that will be OK with him.
If it's not, the David Gill stuff can be done outside the theater.
I know that AWARE is doing a lot of
good things, but given the fact that we have chance at actually
putting somebody decent in Congress, it seems that this would
be one of our most important endevours at this time .

I don't agree with Al's sentiment that this isn't the time and place
for electoral politics.   Geez, when would be a good time?  After
Emperor Bush places electronic monitors in everybody's

Al wrote:

The bottom line is that we want to reach as many 
people as we can. The best way to do that may be 
to have a table inside the theater.  We now have 
an offer to have the table. Why should we 
complicate matters? This is not the time and 
place to debate electoral politics. We should 
continue that discussion at AWARE meetings

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