[Peace-discuss] one more idea

Evan Past epastreich at yahoo.com
Mon Jun 21 09:26:58 CDT 2004

Call To Action: Register Voters at Fahrenheit 9/11
When voters walk out Fahrenheit 9/11 they will be
ready to vote George Bush out of office. We recommend
that you be waiting outside the theatre with voter
registration cards. Hand them out, if someone wants 10
give them 10, people will be motivated to register
their family and friends after this movie.

Voice4Change is in contact with Lions Gate one of the
distributors of the movie, and we are asking them to
suggest to theatres to allow groups to set up voter
registration tables inside the lobby or outside the
theatre. We will keep you up to date on developments
in that area. What you will need to do to make this a

Contact your local Board of Elections or Registrars
office and arrange to pick up thousands of voter
registration cards. Some states require you go through
a short training to be allowed to register people. 
Contact some friends to help you. Before the movie we
recommend that you have some people actually
registering people so that you have a known impact.
However, after the movie since you have a large crowd
moving to their vehicle at the same time handing the
cards out like leaflets will also be effective,
especially to people already registered who will be
motivated to register others.
Go to meetings of your local peace groups or
Democratic Party clubs and try to make this project a
priority of the organization so you can hit more than
one theatre at multiple times of the day.
Go to http://www.f911tix.com/ to see where the movie
is playing near you and make your plans!
Send an e-mail to info at voice4change.org and let us
know your plans and the results of your efforts!
Bring Banners and signs, especially on June 25th when
your local media will be inclined to cover the event.
If you have a group of people to help and some signs
and such, issue a press release. Let the media know
what theatre you will be at and at what time.
Have fun, activism can be fun¡­see the movie it will
inspire you to see the reaction of the attendees of
the movie.

Forward this Call as widely as possible:


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