[Peace-discuss] I will vote to stop Bush, but I love what she says.

Chuck Minne mincam2 at yahoo.com
Tue Jun 29 07:48:47 CDT 2004

"Lora Chamberlain, D.O." <drlora at ameritech.net> wrote:From: "Lora Chamberlain, D.O." 
Date: Thu, 24 Jun 2004 13:16:23 -0500
Subject: [IL4Kucinich] Re: News from We Helped Stop Bush

I, along with many others are NOT  KERRY fans, he is a corporate owned militarist and unless he changes most of his platform to that of Kucinich, or at the very least, get rid of his plans to add 40,000 more troops to Iraq, then I will NOT be voting for him! And do not give me any CRAP about, "OH WHAT ABOUT BEATING BUSH???" The Democratic National Committee and the Kerry camp are fully aware of how many progressives and anti-war voters are out there in America and they are CHOOSING to IGNORE them! They are betting that the fear of Bush is enough to get Kerry elected and thus the corporations and military industrial complex will remain in power! Also that way they do not have any silly populist campaign promises to have to address later! Even though studies have shown that in, at least Wisc., if Kerry leaned to the left, or the populist direction, he would get 75% of the vote vs staying where he is, smack dab in the middle of corporate militarism where he only gets 45%!!!! The
 knows this and chooses to IGNORE it so let Kerry elect his own G-D self and let Kerry use his OWN money! As far as I am concerned, if Kerry wins or Bush, there is only an insignificant difference!  At least if Bush gets elected he will hasten the complete destruction of our present government and then we might have a chance to rebuild America with the PEOPLE in power and NOT the CORPORATIONS and the MILITARY!!!! I am done playing the GOOD cop/BAD cop game that the powers that be, want us to play, I will NO LONGER participate and condone the game with my VOTE, I will be voting for 1 of the several 3rd parties or writing in Kucinich!!!!! Jeez, there is even a Republican running, Ron Paul,who is MORE PROGRESSIVE than Kerry! The Democrats participation in the continuing Corporate Power and Money Grab in Washington is just too obvious for me to overlook any longer! I will be going to the Democratic National Convention to tell Kerry this myself, if he chooses to ignore us after th
 at, then
 let the chips fall where they may!!!!
Sincerely, Lora Chamberlain, Chicago. IL

Most Americans do not even know that ours is the only country actually convicted of terrorism in a world court, for the atrocities of the U.S. sponsored Contras in Nicaragua.

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