[Peace-discuss] Greens

Evan Past epastreich at yahoo.com
Tue Jun 29 21:53:25 CDT 2004

I am not a Green, but I have often thought that the
effort of Greens to run a presidential candidate are
completely inappropriate. You can only vote for a
presidential candidate as a throwaway protest. But if
all the effort that goes into conducting a Green
presidential campaign was focused entirely on electing
Greens to state legislatures and to the House of
Representives, there is a real chance to get people in
there. That would be something that many progressives
could support. It is obvious that John Kerry has many
strings attached, but he is not the equal of his
opponant. The only way to change things is a sea
change that creeps through the whole country. Nothing
else will work. And a few Greens in the House would be
the first step.

I know this is not my place to write, and I am clearly
a total outsider; I just want to express an opinion.


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