[Peace-discuss] Fwd: [SRRTAC-L:12995] RE: A "MODERN KIDNAPPING"---HAITI'S ARISTIDE ON CNN (USA) (fwd)

Alfred Kagan akagan at uiuc.edu
Wed Mar 3 08:53:45 CST 2004

>Date: Wed, 3 Mar 2004 01:59:52 -0600 (CST)
>From: Dale Wertz <dwertz at mc.net>
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>Date: Tue, 2 Mar 2004 08:53:40 -0600
>From: David Peterson <davidpet at mindspring.com>
>To: 'David Peterson' <davidpet at mindspring.com>
>     ( * FYI: What follows are (a) a transcript of the relevant parts of
>CNN's original March 1 telephone interview with Haiti's ousted President
>Jean-Bertrand Aristide from the Central African Republic (i.e.,
>Transcript # 030100CN.V98), in which Aristide repeats the charge that he
>was forced out of Port-au-Prince early on the morning of Sunday,
>February 29 by U.S. military forces (i.e., "modern kidnapping");
>followed by (b) three subsequent instances of CNN's coverage of its this
>same interview as they've aired through the morning of the next day,
>March 2.  (See also "I was kidnapped," on the DEMOCRACY NOW! website, at
>http://www.democracynow.org/article.pl?sid=04/03/01/1521216 (March 1).)
>March 1, 2004 Monday
>Transcript # 030100CN.V98
>HEADLINE: Interview With Jean-Bertrand Aristide; Eyeing Super Tuesday
>GUESTS: Jean-Bertrand Aristide, Drew Pinsky, Carolina Buia, Terry Holt
>BYLINE: Anderson Cooper, Lucia Newman, Candy Crowley, Kelly Wallace,
>Deborah Feyerick, Jeanne Meserve, Susan Candiotti, Kimberly Guilfoyle
>HIGHLIGHT: Interview with Jean-Bertrand Aristide. Then, Senator John
>Kerry is focusing on the states with the closest races, with one eye on
>tomorrow's contests and the other on the long road ahead. Finally, John
>Edwards is vowing to remain in the race even if he loses every state
>ANDERSON COOPER, HOST (voice-over): Aristide's gone, but the chaos
>continues. Haitian rebels storm the capital, U.S. Marines guard the
>ANNOUNCER: Live, from the CNN Broadcast Center in New York, this is
>COOPER: Good evening. Welcome to 360.
>But first, breaking news. Ousted leader Jean-Bertrand Aristide has said
>he is the victim of a coup d'etat in Haiti. He joins us now on the phone
>from the Central African Republic.
>Mr. Aristide, thank you for being with us. There have been some very
>strong allegations made by representatives of you. I want to try to get
>to the bottom of it. Are you alleging that you were kidnapped by the
>United States and sent to Africa?
>coup d'etat in a modern way, to have modern kidnapping. And the way I
>described what happened...
>COOPER: Who are you saying has kidnapped you?
>ARISTIDE: Forces in Haiti. They were not Haitian forces. They were
>(UNINTELLIGIBLE) and Americans and Haitians together, acting to surround
>the airport, my house, the palace. And then, despite of diplomatic
>conversations we had, despite of all we did in a diplomatic way to
>prevent them to organize that massacre which would lead to a bloodshed,
>we had to leave and spent 20 hours in an American plane. And not knowing
>where we were going with force, until they told us that 20 minutes
>before they landed in Central African Republic.
>COOPER: Mr. Aristide, Mr. Aristide, the night you left, you signed a
>document in which you said, "For that reason, tonight I am resigning in
>order to avoid a blood bath. I accept to leave with the hope there will
>be life and not death."
>This is a document you have signed. I have a copy of it here. Are you
>saying -- did you, in fact, sign this? And what does it mean?
>ARISTIDE: Well, I should see what they give to you, because these people
>lie. And when they lie, I need to see the paper before saying this is
>exactly what I wrote. And in what I wrote, I explained that if I am
>forced to leave to avoid bloodshed, of course I will leave to avoid
>bloodshed. But as I said, I should see the kind of paper they give to
>you, because they lied to me, and they may lie to you, too.
>COOPER: Well, I have it in French, the document. I could read it to you
>if you'd like, but it basically, says that "I took an oath to respect
>and have the constitution respected. This evening, February 28, I'm
>still determined to respect and have the constitution respected."
>It goes on. Are you saying that you wish you were still -- that if it
>was up to you, you would still be on the ground in Haiti, that you did
>not leave of your own free will?
>ARISTIDE: Exactly that.
>COOPER: I have a statement from Secretary of State Colin Powell, who
>earlier today said, in regards to you, he says, "He was not kidnapped.
>We did not force him on the airplane. He went on the airplane willingly.
>And that is the truth."
>Are you saying that Colin Powell is lying?
>ARISTIDE: He said what he wanted to say. And I told you the truth. If
>you pay attention to all what I described, you'd see the truth. You will
>see the huge difference between the two versions.
>COOPER: Are you going to seek refuge in the Central African Republic?
>ARISTIDE: Well, I am here. So far, I don't have contact with the highest
>authority in the country. (UNINTELLIGIBLE) ministers to meet with me,
>and I'm very delighted the way they welcomed me here. But I need to have
>contact with him to know exactly what I should be doing.
>COOPER: Why did you go with the Marines? If you are saying you did not
>go of your own free will, you had your own security detail, quite an
>extensive security detail. I've seen it up close myself. Why did you
>ARISTIDE: I made that point for you. I had 19 Americans providing
>security to the government, and that (UNINTELLIGIBLE). They were all
>told and forced to leave based on what (UNINTELLIGIBLE) on February 28.
>They were supposed to have the day after 18 of 25 American agents to
>reinforce (ph) them, based on an agreement which was signed with the
>Haitian government. They told me that night the U.S. prevented them to
>go to Haiti.
>So on the American side, as on the Haitian side, we all have the same
>picture. People, foreign people with arms in the streets in
>Port-au-Prince, surrounding the airport, the palace, my residence, and
>ready to attack, which would lead to the bloodshed. And we would have
>thousands of people killed.
>We couldn't let that happen. We had the responsibility to protect lives
>and not to let people kill thousands of people. When now you compare
>Haiti to what they told me before, they still continue to burn houses,
>my house, killing people, and waged what they intended to do.
>COOPER: Mr. Aristide, was your departure in the best interest of Haiti?
>ARISTIDE: Of course not, because no one should force an elected
>president to move in order to avoid bloodshed. Why they are still
>killing people, burning houses? And the contradiction in talking is very
>COOPER: Mr. Aristide, I am having trouble reconciling the two
>statements, the statements that you have made and the statement the U.S.
>government has made through Secretary Colin Powell, who, again, has said
>that you were not kidnapped, that we, the United States, did not force
>you on to the airplane, that you went on to the airplane willingly. And
>they say that is the truth. You say -- your story is categorically the
>opposite of that.
>ARISTIDE: Of course, because I am telling you the truth.
>COOPER: Why do you believe the American government -- or why are you
>saying the American government is lying about this?
>ARISTIDE: You could ask them the same question, and you can find the
>answer of your question through the answers I cautiously shared with
>COOPER: We also want to welcome our international viewers. This is now
>being aired on CNN International.
>Mr. Aristide, I want to read a statement. The document I have, which is
>a signed document, it's in Creole with your signature on it, I'm going
>to read a translation to you. And I want you to tell me if this is the
>document that you signed.
>This is what I have as the translation from the original Creole:
>"Jean-Bertrand Aristide" -- it is the letterhead -- "February 7, 2001. I
>took an oath to respect and have the constitution respected. This
>evening, 28th of February, 2004, I am still determined to respect and
>have the constitution respected."
>"The constitution is the guarantee of life and peace. The constitution
>cannot be drowned in the blood of the Haitian people. For that reason,
>tonight, I am resigning in order to avoid a bloodbath."
>"I accept to leave with the hope that there will be life and not death.
>Life for everyone, death for no one, in respect for the constitution.
>And in the fact of respecting the constitution, Haiti will have life and
>peace. Thank you." With your signature.
>Did you, in fact, sign this document?
>ARISTIDE: No. That's not right. They took out the sentence where I said,
>"If I am obliged to leave in order to avoid bloodshed." They took that
>off the document. That's why they are lying to you by giving to you a
>false document.
>COOPER: Well, I'm reading from a translated document. We will have this
>-- we have the Creole document as well, that we will have it translated
>as well.
>ARISTIDE: Read the Creole. Please, please, please tell the truth. Read
>the Creole if you can, because they took off the Creole version, exactly
>what we refer to falsely use...
>COOPER: So you are saying on Saturday evening, Marines came to your
>compound. You did not know they were coming. What exactly happened?
>ARISTIDE: Should I say this story again and again? Because I think that
>I already answered that question.
>COOPER: I still am not clear, though. And we have many viewers who have
>just joined us from around the world. And it is still unclear.
>What did you say to them? Did you say, no, I do not want to go? No, I
>refuse to go? And did they force you into a vehicle? What happened?
>ARISTIDE: I will try to answer your question to help people to
>understand it, but I do believe if you refer to the document you just
>read, when I told you they refused to translate the central part of it,
>where I said, "If I am obliged to leave in order to avoid bloodshed."
>You see, they doctored (ph) the document you have, and the version which
>you have, because they don't want people to know the kind of forces
>which were used to make that coup.
>COOPER: Well, we can't make any sort of allegations. It is simply a
>translation of a document. The translation just could be incorrect. I
>don't really want to go down the road of saying that somebody has
>altered this document, because we don't know that.
>ARISTIDE: OK. They gave you a false document, obviously. When you have a
>false document in hand, you should not use it, because it is a false
>COOPER: But again, could you please try to explain what exactly went on?
>How was it that you were, in your words, kidnapped?
>ARISTIDE: OK. When I said that Friday night American military, foreign
>-- Saturday night, February 28, American military, foreign military,
>Haitian, well armed, accompanied those foreign forces, surround (ph) the
>airport, to the palace, my residence. Most of them were in the streets.
>And when I could see with my own eyes, it was when I was on my way to
>the airport and I saw them. The American plane who came straight -- we
>were in that American plane because Americans had the total control.
>When we spent 20 hours in that plane, without knowing where we go,
>without having the right to contact our people -- and the first lady is
>an American lady, she didn't have the right even to look through the
>windows. They told her, "You don't have that right."
>When we were (UNINTELLIGIBLE) the plane, we spent 20 hours on the plane.
>You can't imagine this kind of terrible situation. And that's why, again
>and again, I am telling the truth. I call it a coup d'etat in a modern
>way to have modern kidnapping.
>COOPER: And Mr. Aristide, you join us from the Central African Republic,
>where you are staying in the capital in Bangui. Apparently South Africa
>has said that they would counteroffering you entry to that country as
>well. Obviously, the future at this point is very unknown.
>We appreciate you joining us on CNN and CNN International. Thank you
>very much, Mr. Aristide.
>And again, the statement from Colin Powell earlier today at odds with
>what Mr. Aristide has just said. Secretary of State Colin Powell said,
>"He was not kidnapped. We did not force him on to the airplane. He went
>on to the airplane willingly. And that is the truth." Certainly in the
>coming days we'll be hearing more and more about this as the details
>Right now in Haiti, rebels are in the capital. Marines are trying to
>restore order.
>Let's go live to CNN's Lucia Newman, who is witnessing both the chaos
>and some celebration in the streets of Port-au-Prince -- Lucia.
>Indeed, a day of deja vus here. Ten years after U.S. forces had come
>here to help restore President Aristide to power, they're here to try
>and restore order now without him. Also, back in this capital are the
>rebels, led by members of Haiti's former army, the military that had
>been disbanded. But they were out in force today.
>They came in here to the city in a kind of victory convoy, driving
>through the streets, stopping off at different police stations, while
>thousands and thousands of Haitians gave them -- embraced them and
>welcomed them back. They were led, of course, by Guy Philippe, a former
>police chief of Cap-Haitien, as well as Louis- Jodel Champlain, a former
>paramilitary and death squad leader.
>Now, they were very peaceful. Right in front of them, however, was the
>palace that was being guarded by the U.S. Marines. Thousands of people,
>in fact, encircled the palace, and there were some tense moments there.
>But they did not try to break in. Eventually, the rebels came up here to
>Petionville, where I'm speaking to you from, and celebrated in a posh
>hotel in this area.
>In the meantime, there was looting in the city at the port for the third
>consecutive day. But the Haitian police and the international forces
>were not there -- Anderson.
>COOPER: Still a chaotic situation and fast-moving events on the ground,
>and internationally now as well. Lucia Newman, thank you very much for
>Moving on now to politics here in America....
>COOPER: A lot of people like to watch us tonight. Before we get going, I
>just want to thank the Reverend Jesse Jackson for organizing the
>conversation we had with President Jean-Bertrand Aristide, an exclusive
>interview live from the Central African Republic from Bangui....
>COOPER: Time now to check some of our top stories in the "Reset."
>Port-au-Prince, Haiti. Cheering crowds welcome heavily armed rebels
>entering the capital after the departure of President Jean-Bertrand
>Aristide. U.S. marines are there, too. The vanguard of the U.N.
>peacekeeping force. Aristide is in the Central African Republic where he
>has confirmed just moments ago that he's accusing the U.S. of forcing
>him to leave Haiti in a coup d'etat. The White House and State
>Department vehemently deny the charge....
>March 1, 2004 Monday
>Transcript # 030100CN.V99
>HEADLINE: Are Americans Supersized?; Closing Arguments Begin in Martha
>Stewart Trial
>GUESTS: John Lewis, Michael Duffy, Jayne Weintraub, Elder Claude Bowen,
>Gregory Daniels, Warren Strain, Ron Walker, Andy Borowitz, Kim France
>BYLINE: David Ensor, Joe Klein, Victoria Clarke, Paula Zahn, Jeffrey
>ZAHN: United States Marines are now manning positions at the
>presidential palace in Haiti's capital. That is just one sign of the end
>of the line for president Jean-Bertrand Aristide. He is now in exile in
>the Central African Republic, while Haitians celebrate his departure.
>Lucia Newman reports from Port-au-Prince.
>LUCIA NEWMAN, CNN CORRESPONDENT (voice-over): In Haiti, scenes from the
>past. A decade after coming in to restore President Jean- Bertrand
>Aristide, the Marines are back to try and restore order without him. And
>then this, the triumphant entrance into the capital of rebels led by
>leaders of Haiti's disbanded Army.
>UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Today is liberation day for Haiti.
>NEWMAN: It was a victory celebration, thousands embracing the return of
>Guy Philippe, the former police chief who came back from exile to force
>Aristide from power.
>(on camera): If there was ever a demonstration of how quickly political
>passions can sway, it's this one. Some of the very same people who until
>recently were vowing to fight for the death for President Aristide are
>now welcoming back his arch enemies.
>(voice-over): At the general police headquarters, people hugged the
>deputy rebel chief, a notorious former paramilitary leader, sentenced in
>absentia to life in prison for mass murder.
>"Whatever the bad things from the past, 99 percent of the people here
>support us," said Louis Jodel Jamblane (ph).
>Across the street, nervous U.S. Marines stood guard at the front door of
>the presidential palace.
>UNIDENTIFIED MALE: The U.S. forces are here to secure key sites in the
>Haitian capital around Port-au-Prince for the purpose of contributing to
>a more secure and stable environment and to help promote the
>constitutional, political process.
>NEWMAN: Next to the morgue, hearses lined up to take away bodies of more
>than a dozen people murdered overnight, many of them executed.
>"We blame President Bush for allowing all of this to happen. Getting rid
>of Aristide is not the solution," said this man, who told us supporters
>of the former president are terrified, a well-founded fear in a country
>where calls for peace and reconciliation have so often been silenced by
>Lucia Newman, CNN, Port-au-Prince.
>ZAHN: And earlier tonight, in a CNN interview, President Aristide said
>he was the victim of a coup by the United States.
>clear and blunt way that thousands of people will get killed once they
>start, so I have to do my best to avoid the bloodshed. They used force
>to push me out. That's why I call it again and again a coup d'etat, the
>modern way to have modern kidnapping.
>ZAHN: For reaction from Washington, we turn to national security
>correspondent David Ensor.
>Colin Powell didn't like what he heard, did he?
>did the other officials we've been speaking to in this building today,
>Paula. They just say that is an absolute falsehood, that is not what
>happened, that Jean-Bertrand Aristide left under his volition. Here's
>how the secretary put it.
>COLIN POWELL, SECRETARY OF STATE: Allegations that somehow we kidnapped
>former President Aristide are absolutely baseless, absurd. And it's
>rather unfortunate that, in this sensitive time, when we're trying to
>stabilize the situation in Haiti and when we're sending in a
>multinational interim force to help bring about that stability, and
>we're trying to put a political process on track, I think it's very
>unfortunate that these kind of absurd charges are leveled at us.
>ENSOR: They're angry about the charges and also rather annoyed about the
>heavy coverage that they've gotten since that may endanger soldiers on
>the ground in Port-au-Prince, officials say, if some Haitians believe
>that the U.S. kidnapped Aristide, which it most certainly did not,
>officials say.
>And, in fact, some sources have given us access to copies of the letter
>that Aristide signed when he left. This is in Creole. But in
>translation, it says, part of it says -- quote -- "I am resigning in
>order to avoid a bloodbath." So, again, sources are showing us a signed
>letter from Aristide that he planned to leave of his own volition.
>Now, critics of the administration, like Senator Dodd of Connecticut,
>are saying, yes, I don't believe he was kidnapped, but I do believe he
>was forced out because the U.S. said they would not protect him. The
>administration says that that's quite true. We warned him we would not
>protect him. He needed to make a political deal with his opposition, if
>it could be done. If it could not be done, we were not going to spend
>American blood in order to save President Aristide -- Paula.
>ZAHN: But if Mr. Aristide signed this letter that you have a copy of in
>your hand, how can he make the claim he was kidnapped?
>ENSOR: Well, indeed.
>And one official here this evening said that, frankly, in the past,
>President Aristide has made comments which are erratic, unusual, to be
>polite, and they just think he's not all accurate, shall we say.
>ZAHN: Well, that's, I guess, a generous way, from their viewpoint, of
>stating that.
>David Ensor, thank you so much for that report.
>March 1, 2004 Monday 10:00 PM Eastern Time
>Transcript # 030100CN.V84
>HEADLINE: U.S. Marines Come to Haiti; Interim Constitution Agreed to in
>Iraq; Will Kerry Sweep on Super Tuesday?
>GUESTS: Tom Oliphant, Rob Christensen
>BYLINE: Aaron Brown, Lucia Newman, Jane Arraf, Candy Crowley; Susan
>Candiotti; Gary Tuchman, Allan Chernoff, Martin Savidge
>HIGHLIGHT: Rebels take capital in Haiti; looting continues in port.
>Then, interim constitution agreed to in Iraq. Finally, Kerry poised to
>sweep all 10 primaries on super Tuesday.
>AARON BROWN, CNN ANCHOR: Good evening again everyone.
>There probably was a time when Haiti was a happy place but not in a long
>time. Ruled by despots and death jobs, Jean-Bertrand Aristide was
>supposed to be a force for change for the good. Somehow it all went
>Be it through corruption or incompetence or subversion from the outside
>or a little bit of all of those, the former priest never lived up to his
>billing as the man who would lead his country out of misery.
>Tonight, he's gone amid questions about how he went. What remains is a
>country caught in the misery of poverty for most, greed for a few and
>much hopelessness. Haiti tops the program and begins the whip.
>CNN's Lucia Newman starts us off. She's on the videophone from
>Port-au-Prince, Lucia a headline tonight.
>LUCIA NEWMAN, CNN CORRESPONDENT: A feeling of deju vu in this country
>today as the U.S. Marines again come to Haiti and so do members of
>Haiti's disbanded army, including a prominent death squad leader --
>BROWN: Lucia, thank you. We'll get to you at the top.
>We begin tonight with Haiti, which has a long troubled history of
>homegrown chaos and American intervention. Today, another chapter
>written, the president gone, U.S. Marines back taking up positions.
>We have two reports tonight, first, CNN's Lucia Newman.
>NEWMAN (voice-over): In Haiti, scenes from the past. A decade after
>coming into restore President Jean-Bertrand Aristide the Marines are
>back to try and restore order without him.
>And then this the triumphant entrance into the capital of rebels led by
>leaders in Haiti's disbanded army. It was a victory celebration,
>thousands embracing the return of Guy Phillipe, the former police chief
>who came back from exile to force Aristide from power.
>(on camera): If there was ever a demonstration of how quickly political
>passions can sway it's this one. Some of the very same people who until
>recently were vowing to fight to the death for President Aristide are
>now welcoming back his arch enemies.
>(voice-over): At the general police headquarters, people hugged the
>deputy rebel chief, a notorious former paramilitary leader sentenced in
>absentia to life in prison for mass murder.
>"Whatever the bad things from the past, 99 percent of the people here
>support us," said Louis Jodel Chamblain.
>Across the street, nervous U.S. Marines stood guard at the front door of
>the presidential palace.
>here to secure key sites in the Haitian capital around Port-au- Prince
>for the purpose of contributing to a more secure and stable environment
>and to help promote the constitutional political process.
>NEWMAN: Next to morgue hearses lined up to take away bodies of more than
>a dozen people murdered overnight, many of them executed.
>"We blame President Bush for allowing all this to happen. Getting rid of
>Aristide is not the solution" said this man, who told us supporters of
>the former president are terrified a well-founded fear in a country
>where calls for peace and reconciliation have so often been silenced by
>NEWMAN: Aaron, adding insult to injury, President Jean-Bertrand
>Aristide's house, his villa here in Port-au-Prince was looted and
>trashed. At the same time, there was continued looting at the Port-
>au-Prince port for the third day running. The police and the U.S.
>Marines were nowhere to be seen -- Aaron.
>BROWN: Lucia, what does this mean, if anything, to Haitians, to just the
>people of Haiti? How do their lives change because of this?
>NEWMAN: This means a lot of confusion for Haitians, although there's the
>hope that somehow normalcy can be returned, although this country really
>never has been normal, as you were saying at the beginning. It's the
>poorest country in the hemisphere.
>Basically, what most people say what we want to do is we want to eat. We
>want security. We want to live. We want our children to reach a ripe old
>age. That's what people really want and anybody who can give them that
>will be welcome.
>They had thought that President Aristide could achieve that for them but
>they're not so sure that necessarily the people who came to the town
>today will be able to do it either -- Aaron.
>BROWN: Lucia, thank you very much, Lucia Newman in Port-au- Prince, many
>uncertainties clearly on the ground tonight.
>While it's clear that President Aristide is gone the details of his
>departure remain somewhat in dispute. The former Haitian leader says he
>did not go willingly. Is this is a case of resignation remorse or
>something more sinister?
>He describes it as in effect a kidnapping which the White House called
>utter nonsense, which is not to say of course that the U.S. had no role
>in the end game.
>Here's our National Security Correspondent David Ensor.
>bitter phone call with CNN from exile in Africa, the former Haitian
>president claimed he was hustled out of his country as part of what he
>called a coup d'etat involving he said American officials who lied to
>(unintelligible) that thousands of people will get killed once they
>start. So, I had to do my best to avoid that bloodshed. They used talk
>to push me out. That's why I call it again and again a coup d'etat, the
>modern way to have modern kidnapping.
>COLIN POWELL, SECRETARY OF STATE: The allegations that somehow we
>kidnapped former President Aristide are absolutely baseless, absurd.
>ENSOR: In fact, a senior State Department official said Aristide has a
>history of "unusual and erratic statements" and officials say while he
>may be having second thoughts now he left Haiti with 15 bodyguards of
>his own free will after requesting U.S. help to leave.
>He even signed this letter of resignation, made available to CNN by a
>source, in which he says: "I am resigning in order to avoid a
>POWELL: We did not force him onto the airplane. He went onto the
>airplane willingly and that's the truth.
>ENSOR: Aristide told CNN he and his wife were kept on a plane out of
>touch for nearly a full day and a night not told where they were going.
>ARISTIDE: We spent 20 hours in that plane. We stopped knowing where we
>go. We stopped having the right to contact our people.
>ENSOR: True said U.S. officials but that was because they could not
>officially find a country that would take him.
>POWELL: We went through about an hour and a half of difficult
>negotiations with various countries and with friends of ours to find
>alternative locations that he might go to while the plane was in the
>ENSOR: Some critics and other Caribbean governments charge even if the
>Bush administration did not kidnap Aristide it left him with no choice
>but to leave sending a disturbing message to other democratically
>elected leaders.
>SEN. CHRISTOPHER DODD (D), CONNECTICUT: The fact of the matter is we
>said to President Aristide, look, you can stay and be killed or you can
>leave. You make the choice. That's hardly a voluntary departure.
>ENSOR (on camera): The critics say by refusing to protect Aristide, the
>U.S. becomes at least partly responsible for what follows. It must now
>undertake nation building in Haiti they say and should be rightly
>condemned if it gives up too soon.
>David Ensor CNN, the State Department.
>March 2, 2004 Tuesday 5:00 AM Eastern Time
>Transcript # 030201CN.V73
>HEADLINE: Multiple Blasts in Baghdad, Karbala; 10 States Hold Primaries
>or Caucuses
>BYLINE: Carol Lin, Jane Arraf, Candy Crowley, Brent Sadler, David Ensor
>HIGHLIGHT: Arraf reports on the breaking news of an explosion in
>Karbala. Crowley examines the race for the Democratic presidential
>nomination as Super Tuesday dawns. Sadler reports live from the scene of
>the explosion in Karbala. Ensor reports on the allegations by former
>Haitian President Jean-Bertrand Aristide that he was forced to leave
>Haiti by the U.S.
>CAROL LIN (CNN ANCHOR): It's about quarter past the hour and here's a
>quick look at our top stories in the DAYBREAK early briefing.
>Several deadly explosions in Iraq today have killed at least 100 people.
>Blasts in Baghdad and Karbala targeted the observance of a major Shiite
>Muslim holiday that had been banned for 30 years by Saddam Hussein.
>Former Haitian President Jean-Bertrand Aristide claims the United States
>forced him to leave office and the country. The White House denies the
>The judge in the Kobe Bryant case has postponed today's expected
>testimony from Bryant's accuser. She may appear later this month.
>We update the top stories every 15 minutes and our next update is at
>5:30 Eastern.
>In the meantime, we want to go to the crisis in Haiti now and
>accusations by ousted President Jean-Bertrand Aristide of U.S.
>skullduggery. Well, in his letter of resignation provided to the news
>media, Aristide wrote that he was resigning, quoting here, "in order to
>avoid a bloodbath." But Aristide tells CNN the letter he signed omitted
>a key phrase that read, "I am obliged to leave in order to avoid a
>The bottom line is Jean-Bertrand Aristide is making these claims and the
>U.S. says it's nonsense, he signed a piece of paper that explained why
>he was leaving. Anyway, the White House is calling the accusations that
>it orchestrated the forced Haitian leader out ridiculous, nonsense.
>More on this controversy now from our David Ensor.
>DAVID ENSOR, CNN CORRESPONDENT (voice-over): In a bitter phone call with
>CNN from exile in Africa, the former Haitian president claimed he was
>hustled out of his country as part of what he called a coup d'etat,
>involving, he said, American officials who lied to him.
>clear and blunt way that thousands of people will get killed once they
>start. So I had to do my best to avoid that bloodshed. They used force
>to push me out. That's why I call it again and again a coup d'etat, a
>modern way to have a modern kidnapping.
>COLIN POWELL, SECRETARY OF STATE: The allegations that somehow we
>kidnapped former President Aristide are absolutely baseless, absurd.
>ENSOR: In fact, a senior State Department official said Aristide has a
>history of "unusual and erratic statements" and officials say while he
>may be having second thoughts now, he left Haiti with 15 bodyguards of
>his own free will after requesting U.S. help to leave. He even signed
>this letter of resignation, made available to CNN by a source, in which
>he says, "I am resigning in order to avoid a bloodbath."
>POWELL: We did not force him onto the airplane. He went onto the
>airplane willingly and that's the truth.
>ENSOR: Aristide told CNN he and his wife were kept on a plane out of
>touch for nearly a full day and a night, not told where they were going.
>ARISTIDE: We spent 20 hours in that plane without knowing where we go,
>without having the right to contact our people.
>ENSOR: True, say U.S. officials, but that was because they could not
>officially find a country that would take him.
>POWELL: We went through about an hour and a half of difficult
>negotiations with various countries and with friends of ours to find
>alternative locations that he might go to while the plane was in the
>ENSOR: Some critics and other Caribbean governments charge even if the
>Bush administration did not kidnap Aristide, it left him with no choice
>but to leave, sending a disturbing message to other democratically
>elected leaders.
>SEN. CHRIS DODD (D), CONNECTICUT: The fact of the matter is we said to
>President Aristide, look, you can stay and be killed or you can leave --
>you make the choice. That's hardly a voluntary departure.
>ENSOR (on camera): The critics say by refusing to protect Aristide, the
>U.S. becomes at least partly responsible for what follows. It must now
>undertake nation building in Haiti, they say, and should be rightly
>condemned if it gives up too soon.
>David Ensor, CNN, the State Department.


Al Kagan
African Studies Bibliographer and Professor of Library Administration
Africana Unit, Room 328
University of Illinois Library
1408 W. Gregory Drive
Urbana, IL 61801, USA

tel. 217-333-6519
fax. 217-333-2214
e-mail. akagan at uiuc.edu

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