[Peace-discuss] two more CO's (one from Illinois) - a trend?

Dlind49 at aol.com Dlind49 at aol.com
Tue Mar 16 15:48:28 CST 2004

In a message dated 3/16/04 2:44:15 PM Central Standard Time, 
recotton at earthlink.net writes:

 ``As commanders, you don't hope for such things because if everyone in the
 Army was like that we would have no one to defend us,'' Grissom said.
 ``However, I believe that you have to have a process like that to treat
 someone fairly and ensure their particular case can be reviewed.'' >>

This commander seems to forget the difference in this case is that U.S. 
military forces invaded a nation without provocation and justification.  
Consequently killing and destroying must be questioned just as these two individuals are 
doing. My concern is what will happen to thousands of combat veterans, 
especially the over 13,000 Gulf War 2 casualties,  once they begin to realize that 
the pre-emptive invasion of Iraq and Afghanistan were illegal and in direct 
violation of the Law of Land Warfare sand international law. The rationale for 
implementing this war has been proven wrong and as more information is revealed 
the illegal nature and thus unjustifed killing and destroying will afect all 

The invasion of both nations had absoutely nothing to do with defending the 
United States as niether posed an offensive threat.  

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