[Peace-discuss] Taste of C-U Tabling

Linda Evans veganlinda at yahoo.com
Fri Mar 19 18:57:26 CST 2004

Okay, I brought this up at the last AWARE meeting.  I
have the form to fill out and the info on the Taste of

When:  Friday, June 25 5-9pm
       Saturday, June 26 11am -9pm
       Sunday, June 27 noon - 5pm

Where:  West Side Park (Downtown Champaign)

There were more than 55,000 attendees last year.

What we need to do:  Pay a $50 booth fee or $65 if we
plan on selling something (I will check on donations).
 Booth spaces are assigned and we must be present
through the entire event.  **I have seen community
groups who were not there during the entire event, but
they ask us to be.**

Anyway, is there any interest?

We also need to start thinking about the Farmer's
Market.  We need new literature and more things like
buttons/bumper stickers, etc.




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