[Peace-discuss] an email from Iraq

Ken Urban kurban at parkland.edu
Tue Mar 30 13:49:39 CST 2004

I got what was posted below from one of my students.  She was struck by
the statement that there are constant mortar attacks going on, thought
I'd share this with you.  (She *REALLY* knows the person's mom).  


>I am sending you this email my best friend just received this morning
>her daughter in Iraq.  She is a physicians assistant that has been in
>Army National Reserves for over 17 years and was activated just right
>Thanksgiving.  Her orders call for her to be in Iraq for 18 months, as
>understand it.  Her mom said to me, you know, I can tell she is really
>upset by her spelling errors and that is not like her.  It is just
>I wanted to share with you.


> Today, like every day, I need my mommy....
> I am so glad you are never far away.  I always know that you are close
my heart.
> I may the way you can help us/me...
> My post is the most mortared in theater.  I worked on (and lost)
soldier last night because his unit continues to go into our town and
blown up by Improvised Explosive Devices (IEDs).  They swept the town
days for weapons and insurgents, but the mission was comprised and they
up with nothing...then they have run into almost a dozen of these
bombs...but we kept sending them out there...My post, a group of combat
support mechanics and truck drivers, continues to get bombed, but we
here and take it.  Is this someone's ego keeping us in harms way???  Our
post could easily operate 2-3 miles down the road, out of reach of the
> I no longer care about the people of Iraq.  They will never know
because they aren't willing to fight and die for it.  Their idea of
is for the US to keep them safe, so they will never have it.
> We need to come home.  I don't think any good will come of this --
for some individuals, but ultimately, their country will fail because of
attitude and fear/cowardice of their citizens.
> I did everything I could last night...just like four nights ago...and
didn't work.  I'm doing procedures here that I never dreamed I would
do.  I cut into a man's chest last night as a final effort, but it was
late...it was actually too late before he got here, but I couldn't bring
myself to pronounce him.  The damage these devices do to the human body
> I love you so much.  Maybe it is time to send up the flag to
Let them spend just one frickin' night in my aid station, ruin another
uniform with a 22 year old husband/son/father's blood, have to convince
medics that we are just...that last one I just can't do anymore, so they
need to.
> I don't mean to vent, but I don't know what else to do at this
it's only been a month...



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Ken Urban
Assoc. Prof., Computer Science
Parkland College

Office: B129A
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