[Peace-discuss] Fwd: Reclaim Local Radio: Support LPFM

Chuck Minne mincam2 at yahoo.com
Thu Aug 4 16:27:23 CDT 2005

"Robert W. McChesney" <list at freepress.net> wrote:Date: Thu, 4 Aug 2005 12:26:00 -0500 (CDT)
From: "Robert W. McChesney" <list at freepress.net>
To: mincam2 at yahoo.com
Subject: Reclaim Local Radio: Support LPFM

Dear Chuck Minne: 

In 2000, the FCC opened up the nation's airwaves to low power community radio stations. Since then, more than 675 local stations have gone on the air in 50 states, forming the national backbone for community broadcasting. 

Now, local radio (LPFM) needs your help to survive and grow. The FCC is considering critical new measures that would prevent commercial stations from pushing our community broadcasters off the dial. Before the FCC decides, they need to hear from you. 

Write the FCC and tell them to protect Low Power FM radio stations. 

It's taken commercial saturation of the radio waves to create demand for something as revolutionary as LPFM. These stations are locally driven and noncommercial, providing news and information to communities often ignored by mainstream radio. 

The FCC is modifying the 2000 rules that created LPFM stations. If you have and value a local station, or wish you had more homegrown broadcasting in your area, the FCC needs to hear from you right now. 

Act now to protect and support local radio. 


Robert W. McChesney
Free Press

P.S. You can also support local radio by participating in the Grassroots Radio Conference in Northampton, Massachusetts on August 4-7, 2005. Grassroots radio organizers and friends are gathering in Northampton to help build and launch the new Valley Free Radio (WXOJ-LP). To learn more about the Grassroots Radio Conference, visit conference organizers Prometheus Radio Project at www.prometheusradio.org/grc.shtml. 

P.P.S. To learn more about LPFM, see www.freepress.net/lpfm. 


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