[Peace-discuss] Durbin on withdrawal from Iraq

Morton K. Brussel brussel4 at insightbb.com
Tue Jul 5 21:00:47 CDT 2005

In a reply to a letter I sent regarding withdrawal of U.S. troops  
from Iraq , Durbifirst rants against the inadequacies and deceptions  
of the administration, so establishing his liberal credentials, then  
comes to this startling and novel conclusion:

     "America has invested too much and lost too many soldiers to  
turn its back
on the people of Iraq.  We cannot cut and run and leave chaos in our  
but we cannot achieve our goal of a safe and stable Iraq until the
President puts forward a comprehensive plan for success and a clear
strategy for how we will achieve it.  That is the President's
responsibility to every American soldier. And it is Congress'
responsibility to insist that he do so."

Pretty disgusting , cowardly, and ingenuous. We have to let him know  
we are not simply disappointed, but angry at this backing of  
duplicitous administration arguments. An active Durbin watch has to  
be assembled.


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