[Peace-discuss] Channel 3 toes the line

C. G. Estabrook galliher at uiuc.edu
Sun Jul 10 21:17:01 CDT 2005

I just had a call from Alexandra Harold, a WCIA reporter.  I
had called to ask why Channel 3 had not run the interview that
I had done with them about the London bombings, in which I'd
expressed opinions I take to be generally held in AWARE,
notably that the bombings were a result of the occupation of
Iraq and that the US should withdraw.

Ms. Harold said that they preferred to use an interview with
the chair of the ACDIS group on campus, who's pro-war, and a
woman who'd lived in London. In answer to my question, she
said that they'd aired no one expressing views like ours. 

I said that's just what we'd expect from for-profit media, who
were carefully observing the limits of allowable debate.  I
don't expect WCIA to call again. --CGE

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