[Peace-discuss] Trouble at the Wal-Mart

David Green davegreen84 at yahoo.com
Sun Jul 17 22:28:19 CDT 2005

I've combined the last two messages:

These are the two individuals referred to at our
meeting this evening. They are mentioned in the
following links in reference to their challenge to
Green and SEP candidates:



These are the two individuals who, as reported at our
meeting tonight, made hostile comments to a local
Muslim woman at the Wal-Mart, and then escalated when
they were challenged.

I've never heard of these individuals as being active
in the Jewish community. 

They are listed as having donated less than $100 to
Jewish Federation during 2001-02. Most likely, after
9/11, they felt it was time to express their
solidarity with Israel's futile struggle against the
Palestinian onslaught.

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