[Peace-discuss] Tim Johnson Town Meeting Plans

Rich xxx36148 at yahoo.com
Thu Jul 28 09:41:14 CDT 2005

I think those of us who are interested in going to the town meeting
on Monday should put plans together after the AWARE meeting on

I have an idea that might make us more effective at the meeting:

All AWARE people go to the meeting with the SAME numbered list of
questions, that way it doesn't matter which of us get opportunities
to address the Congressman.

A few issues for TJ to address:

1. Ask to TJ to support Rep. Barabara Lee's HR 375, which if passed,
will require the White House and the State Department to "transmit
all information relating to communication with officials of the
United Kingdom between January 1, 2002, and October 16, 2002,
relating to the policy of the United States with respect to Iraq."

2. Energy Bill

3. CAFTA (which way did he vote?)

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