[Peace-discuss] Obama unmasked again

C. G. Estabrook galliher at uiuc.edu
Thu Jun 30 23:18:00 CDT 2005

[Having successfully tamed the remnants of the civil rights
movement,] the Democratic Party cultivated the great white
hope of a Black politician, Barack Obama, whose message on
race and class would never alarm even the most anxious white
mind: "There's not a black America and white America and
Latino America and Asian America; there's the United States of
America" (Barack Obama, Keynote Speech at the Democratic
National Convention, Boston, 27 July 2004).

What does Obama have to say about George W. Bush's latest
speech on the Iraq War?

    "I believe the president must take a realistic look at our
current strategy and reshape it into an *aggressive and
workable plan that will ensure success in Iraq*" (emphasis
added; Barack Obama quoted by Dori Meinert/Copley News
Service, The Lincoln Courier, 29 June 2005). In other words,
No Exit. What's his plan, then?

    "It is a challenge now to try to fix the mess that has
been made by this administration," Sen. Barack Obama (D-Ill.)
said in an interview. "There aren't any easy answers. It would
be irresponsible to just spout off without having thought
through what all the alternatives -- and implications of those
alternatives -- might be." (Washington Post, 22 June 2005)

Should he not have thought about "all the alternatives" to the
continuing occupation of Iraq and their "implications" by now,
especially since he had already thought about what to do about
Iran (David Mendell, "Obama Would Consider Missile Strikes on
Iran," Chicago Tribune, 25 Sept. 2004)?

Surely, the American people "want and deserve better answers
about where we go from here in Iraq" (Barack Obama quoted by 
Mark Silva, Chicago Tribune, 29 Jun. 2005) than Bush's
insistence that their sacrifice is worth it; but they also
want and deserve better answers than what Obama delivers.


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