[Peace-discuss] Parkland/C-R working group to meet

Lisa Chason chason at shout.net
Thu May 26 11:58:53 CDT 2005

The Parkland/Counter-Recruiting Working Group will be meeting on
Wednesaday, June 1, at noon, at Meadowbrook Park, at the shelter near
the herb garden. We'll be taking part in a weekly potluck lunch that
we've been invited to attend, which will include Ken and Gina (active in
AWARE) who work at Parkland and some Parkland students. The meal is
vegan and wheatless but you can bring anything you'd like to eat and
share. There will also be an agenda to chew on.

Hope lots of us can make it. Feel free to invite people you know who
work at or attend Parkland and may be interested.


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