[Peace-discuss] Bill to close SOA

C. G. Estabrook galliher at uiuc.edu
Fri Jun 2 11:59:08 CDT 2006

School of the Americas Watch
www.SOAW.org | 202-234-3440

Special Legislative Update
June 1, 2006

Next week, the week of June 5, Congress will vote on an amendment to 
close the SOA/ WHINSEC. Rep. McGovern (MA) will introduce an amendment 
to the Foreign Operations appropriations bill to cut funding for the 

We expect a close vote and need as many people as possible flooding the 
offices of the House of Representatives with calls in support of a YES 
vote on the amendment. This is it! And it's the people power of our 
movement that will get this amendment passed! Visit the Legislative 
Action Index for more information: www.soaw.org/legislative.
National Call-in Days to Close the SOA/WHINSEC

Tuesday, June 6 and Wednesday, June 7:
Call Congress at 202-224-3121 or toll free at 888-355-3588.

Please take the time to call the DC office of your Representative 
through the Capitol Hill Switchboard at 202-224-3121 or toll free at 
1-888-355-3588. Ask to speak with the foreign affairs legislative 
assistant. Here is a suggested message for you to convey:

     "I am calling Congressman/woman ________ to urge him/her to vote 
YES on the McGovern amendment to the Foreign Operations Appropriations 
bill. This amendment is a cut in funding for the School of the Americas/ 
WHINSEC. New information indicates that WHINSEC has allowed known human 
rights abusers to instruct and receive training at the school. Argentina 
and Uruguay are two more countries that have made public announcements 
they will no longer send students to the school, citing the negative 
image and history of this institution. Voting YES on this amendment 
sends a positive human rights message to Latin America and will help to 
improve the U.S. image abroad. As an elected official in Washington 
D.C., I hope you will represent me and vote YES on any amendment in the 
House that would cut funding for the school."

[You can send an email and fax to your Representative from the soaw 

Are you in or near Washington, DC? On Tuesday, June 6 and Wednesday, 
June 7, we will be delivering material to Members of Congress and 
knocking on their doors, asking them to join our movement and vote to 
close the SOA. Please join us! If you can be with us for some or all of 
the day on Tuesday or Wednesday, please email Eric at 

For more information, visit the SOA Watch website at www.SOAW.org and 
the Legislative Action Index at www.soaw.org/legislative.

Our postal address is
PO Box 4566, Washington, DC 20017.


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