[Peace-discuss] Re: Peace-discuss Digest, Vol 29, Issue 21

John W. jbw292002 at gmail.com
Tue Jun 20 13:45:31 CDT 2006

At 12:22 PM 6/20/2006, John Bambenek wrote:

>I'm confused... I thought the International Zionist plot controlled
>America, now Zionism is really American power projection?
>I'm so confused.

Perhaps the term "symbiosis", were you to look it up, would provide a ray 
of enlightenment.  But somehow I doubt it.  You've been confused for years, 

John also

>On 6/20/06, peace-discuss-request at lists.chambana.net
><peace-discuss-request at lists.chambana.net> wrote:
>>Today's Topics:
>>   1. Parallels (Morton K. Brussel)
>>Message: 1
>>Date: Tue, 20 Jun 2006 10:41:13 -0500
>>From: "Morton K. Brussel" <brussel4 at insightbb.com>
>>Subject: [Peace-discuss] Parallels
>>To: Peace Discuss <peace-discuss at lists.chambana.net>
>>Message-ID: <46909FF2-A799-4985-BD82-8A5A890DA335 at insightbb.com>
>>Content-Type: text/plain; charset="windows-1252"
>>We need to be continually reminded of the vicious state of affairs
>>which our government has created. Here's an excerpt from John Pilfer:
The struggle in Palestine is an American war, waged from America's
>>most heavily armed foreign military base, Israel. In the West, we are
>>conditioned not to think of the Israeli-Palestinian "conflict" in
>>those terms, just as we are conditioned to think of the Israelis as
>>victims, not illegal and brutal occupiers. This is not to
>>underestimate the ruthless initiatives of the Israeli state, but
>>without F-16s and Apaches and billions of American taxpayers'
>>dollars, Israel would have made peace with the Palestinians long ago.
>>Since the Second World War, the U.S. has given Israel some $140
>>billion, much of it as armaments. According to the Congressional
>>Research Service, the same "aid" budget was to include $28 million
>>"to help [Palestinian] children deal with the current conflict
>>situation" and to provide "basic first aid." That has now been vetoed.
>>Karma Nabulsi's comparison with Iraq is apposite, for the same
>>"policy" applies there. The capture of Abu Musab al-Zarqawi was a
>>wonderful media event: what the philosopher Hannah Arendt called
>>"action as propaganda," and having little bearing on reality. The
>>Americans and those who act as their bullhorn have their demon ­ even
>>a video game of his house being blown up. The truth is that Zarqawi
>>was largely their creation. His apparent killing serves an important
>>propaganda purpose, distracting us in the west from the American goal
>>of converting Iraq, like Palestine, into a powerless society of
>>ethnic and religious tribalism. Death squads, formed and trained by
>>veterans of the CIA's "counterinsurgency" in central America, are
>>critical to this. The Special Police Commandos, a CIA creation led by
>>former senior intelligence officers in Saddam Hussein's Ba'ath Party,
>>are perhaps the most brutal. The Zarqawi killing and the myths about
>>his importance also deflect from routine massacres by U.S. soldiers,
>>such as the one at Haditha. Even the puppet Prime Minister Nouri al-
>>Maliki complains that murderous behavior of U.S. troops is "a daily
>>occurrence." As I learned in Vietnam, a form of serial killing, then
>>known officially as "body count," is the way the Americans fight
>>their colonial wars.
>>This is known as "pacification." 

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