[Peace-discuss] Anti-occupation resolution

Bob Illyes illyes at uiuc.edu
Mon Mar 6 10:50:21 CST 2006

The following message was actually held up for moderation
although I am a member of the list. I have no idea of what
is going on, but I assume that in the end it will make it
to Roberts. Meanwhile, I'd like the rest of you to read it.

Hi Dennis.

I just read your comments about the anti-occupation resolution
that were forwarded by Tammy Watts. I am somewhat astonished by
what you say.

My mother and my grandfather held elected county office in Clark
County, Illinois. This is a majority Republican county in which
the both held office as Democrats. Neither they, nor I think
you, were professional politicians. They were elected because
the voters trusted them to do the right thing. The same holds
true for you, Dennis. You're in a position of trust, and nothing
matters except that you do the right thing. Offending a handful
of folks who are pro-occupation is irrelevant. If you have no
conscience, I suggest that your ambivalent position will only
harm you politically. If you do have a conscience (which I suspect
is the case), go with it.


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