[Peace-discuss] U.S. Withdrawal from Iraq

Tammy Watts tammyewatts at yahoo.com
Sat Mar 11 18:32:52 CST 2006

Hello Everyone:
  My two cents' worth on the discussion topics Karen raised:
  Unfortunately, the Bush administration was well aware that once Saddam was gone, an Iraqi civil war would be probable.  Robert Dreyfuss wrote a very good article that can be read in its entirety at http://www.alternet.org/waroniraq/32747/  .   I believe it contains a link to Paul Pillar's analysis as well.  Mr. Pillar is a CIA veteran and served as Washington's chief Middle East analyst from 2000 to 2005.  His warnings of a civil war were also discounted by the Bush team.  Many foreign policy analysts now speculate there will be civil war in Iraq with or without a U.S. presence.  
  The idea that U.S. forces could prevent a civil war or "protect" Iraqi civilians is flawed at best.  In countless instances, U.S. soldiers have instigated and participated in crimes against civilians.  It is unlikely the administration's "consequences be damned" approach regarding a civil war will change.  Just days ago, Sec.of Defense Donald Rumsfeld verified that a civil war would be an Iraqi problem, in no uncertain terms.  
  The Iraqi people--not those hand picked U.S puppets that are trying to run the country now--have been telling us to get out ever since the fall of Saddam.  Not only Sunni rebels, but the majority of Shiites who are loyal to Muqtada Al-Sadr and others like him have demonstrated against the U.S. occupation.  Unless one is to believe those opinion polls that ask Iraqis if they better off now than under Saddam (undoubtedly U.S.-planted propoganda), the sentiments on the street seem pretty clear.  As for the U.S. adhering to international law, that's about as likely as Israel complying with the international court and removing the apartheid wall.  We have to remember that this whole war is a violation of international law, as well as torture, detentions and the whole laundry list of human rights abuses of which the U.S. is guilty.
  The resulting loss of life in any future civil war in Iraq will be unspeakably tragic, moreso in that it was utterly preventable.  It is only compounded by the untold numbers of Iraqi civilians that died as a result of U.N. economic sanctions, an effort spearheaded by the U.S.  
  My opinion remains unchanged:  U.S. troops should be withdrawn, the sooner the better.  Our presence only exacerbates an already impossible situation of our own creation.


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