[Peace-discuss] know anybody in Ward 3?

Ricky Baldwin baldwinricky at yahoo.com
Tue Mar 14 17:38:05 CST 2006

First, congrats to the working group on the anti-war
anti-occupation resolution now working its way thru
the Urbana City Council: 

Last nite's "Committee of the Whole" meeting was
packed full (in case you haven't heard) and a lot of
excellent points came up (on our side, that is - I've
yet to hear an argument on the other side that makes
sense, partly because there have been so few - just
Lynn Barnes and Heather Stevenson really).  So the
vote was 4-3 to send the resolution with
recommendation for approval to the City Council
meeting next Monday March 20 (3rd anniversary of the
invasion, as planned - and the working group has
flyers out for a rally that nite - great job!)  In
other words, at this time the vote will be 4-3 in

However, Robert Lewis (Ward 3) basically issued an
invitation (challenge, if you prefer): he says he
hasn't heard from many people at all in his ward, and
he will vote based on what they say.  He was very
clear.  He thanked AWARE for its work, but at the
moment he says the tally in his ward is 3-1 against.

I don't think anyone needs an explanation for the fact
that it would be a stronger resolution if it passes
5-2 rather than 4-3, and send a stronger message
(which was the goal).

So anyone who knows anyone in Ward 3 (North West
Urbana, around Crystal Lake Park for example) needs to
get them this contact info post haste:  

Robert Lewis phone 328-3585 email
relewis at city.urbana.il.us 

-- and encourage them to contact him immediately if
not sooner.  We have five days to generate a flood of
support in this one neighborhood.

We can do it.  And we should.  From the start, the
most important piece of this campaign has been the
discussion that it could stir up, not just checking
the resolution off our list of things to do (altho
that's quite an accomplishment).   

Here is an opportunity.  Let's not miss it.  

Ward 3 is also largely people of color, and we know
from our experiences locally as well as national polls
that folks in the black community are mostly anti-war.
 WE NEED TO THIS, folks!

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