[Peace-discuss] Jobs With Justice, labor against war

Ricky Baldwin baldwinricky at yahoo.com
Tue Mar 28 14:54:13 CST 2006

Following up on Sunday's discussion of AWARE
officially affiliating with the new Jobs With Justice
chapter forming here in East Central Ill, I found some
answers to a few questions that folks had:

In addition to being a cosponsor of the antiwar
coalition and conference we're attending April 1,
Chicago Jobs With Justice actually helped found US
Labor Against the War.  The keynote speaker on
Saturday I believe is also James Thindwa, who is
Chicago JWJ's executive director.  I suppose he'll
have something to say on the subject of connections on

JWJ chapters in Vermont, Atlanta and Washington State
had also taken official stands against the war by Jan.
2003, according to an old USLAW list I found.  There
may be others.  This is what I have found so far.

For a more up to date list of labor unions passing
resolutions against the war/occupation, you can see:

Also, I'd just like to point out that joining a
broad-based coalition like this is an excellent way to
make new contacts for AWARE.  When people work
together towards common goals it builds trust and
understanding, and they tend to listen a little more
openly to one another.  

There may be workers and others who will get involved
with Jobs With Justice who will already be opposed to
the war or asking questions about it, but at present
they think they are alone in their social circles, and
they may be.  

There may also be others who have just never
understood our message before because their minds were
closed by assumptions and prejudice - they think we
hate veterans or something - who would benefit greatly
from association with AWARE and may feel differently
about an organization that is willing to take an
official stand against injustice in their cases as
well as others.

Add this to the stand that Jobs With Justice has been
willing to take here in Illinois and elsewhere against
war and occupation, and I think we have a natural
alliance.  I hope we decide to affiliate with JWJ.


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