[Peace-discuss] 105,876 letters to The New York Times, of which all but 3 have been printed

John W. jbw292002 at gmail.com
Mon May 1 02:22:52 CDT 2006

At 07:52 PM 4/30/2006, Karen Medina wrote:

>Buchwald said:>>105,876 letters to The New York Times, of
>which all but 3 have been printed."
>CGE wrote:>Since that would be more than five letters a day
>every day since 1959, it seems that Mr. Buchwald is being a
>bit hyperbolic...
>Buchwald, a humorist for the Washington Post, might have been
>joking. If Buchwald were a bibliometrician, he might have
>been describing an extraordinary power law. Or, if Buchwald
>was not exaggerating, Galbraith had help.
>I just thought it was cute. And somewhat apropos. Kind of
>like AWARE's legend-like attendance at local governmental
>meetings and submissions to the News-Gazette. AWARE is
>ubiquitous and numerous beyond comprehension.
>-karen medina
>P.S. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lotka%27s_law is too short
>a description of Lotka's Law, otherwise I would point to it.

Thank goodness you had the good taste NOT to point to it, Karen. :-)

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