[Peace-discuss] Fw: [Aware] from Peace Action - please sign our ad by 5/19

Randall Cotton recotton at earthlink.net
Tue May 16 08:07:41 CDT 2006

[Just received this at our aware at anti-war.net e-mail address. It's a request
from an organization called Illinois Peace Action based in Chicago that is
"concerned with disarmament and weapons proliferation issues affecting United
States security and world peace" and that "works to educate all interested
parties on disarmament issues and to advocate policies rooted in justice and
human rights" ( quotes are from their website at http://www.webcom.com/ipa/ ).
IPA is a member of ILCPJ (Illinois Coalition for Peace and Justice), the
organization that is coordinating groups across Illinois and brought us that
statewide conference here in Champaign back on April 1st (we are a member of
ILCPJ as well). I'm not proposing we co-sponsor this (someone else could, of
course), but individuals may wish to do so on their own. REC]


----- Original Message ----- 
From: "IL Peace Action" <ilpeaceaction at yahoo.com>
To: "IL Peace Action" <ilpeaceaction at yahoo.com>
Sent: Tuesday, May 16, 2006 7:13 AM
Subject: [Aware] from Peace Action - please sign our ad by 5/19

: thanks to those who have signed up... please help spread the word...
:   Dear Illinois Peace Action Supporter,
:   Frustrated, and frightened, by the Bush administation's maneuvering towards
a new war against Iran?  By war plans that include the possible use of nuclear
weapons in a strike?
:   Will you help us try to head off the next phase of the never ending "War on
:   Help start our country working towards enduring security for all, based on
realistic strategies?
:   We'd like to have your support for a full-page display ad we plan to publish
in the Chicago Reader on Friday, May 26th. Please view the ad at
www.webcom.com/ipa/sigadweb.htm, where you can sign up to be listed as an
endorser.  The ad page can also be reached through the Illinois Peace Action
home page at www.webcom.com/ipa. You can also preview the ad text below,
following this message.
:   If you'd like, we can supply you a complete copy of the ad -- send your
request as a reply to this message (ilpeaceaction at yahoo.com) indicating whether
we should send the sample in an e-mail attachment, by fax, or on paper to your
mailing address.
:   We are asking for contributions to help defray the costs of the ad. All
donors of $25 or more will have their names published, unless they choose not
to. The names of those giving $50 or more will appear more prominently.  We are
asking organizations to contribute $75 or more to be listed.  It's easy to sign
up and donate on the website, but we are happy to receive replies sent by mail
to Illinois Peace Action, PO Box 2783, Chicago, IL 60690.  All endorsements to
be published in the ad must be received by Friday, May 19th at the latest.
:   We invite you to join us in this opportunity to speak out collectively for
the cause of peace and against the dangerous policies of those now leading our
government. Please share this message and action opportunity with others who may
be interested.
:   Thank you for your time and support. If you prefer not to receive future
messages from Illinois Peace Action, just let us know in a reply and your e-mail
address will be removed from our list.
:   Sincerely,
:   Illinois Peace Action
:   *****************************
:   text from the ad follows:
:   *****************************
:   Fool us twice?
:   As the bloody occupation of Iraq drags on, the Bush administration has begun
a saber rattling campaign aimed at Iran, based largely on misinformation. The
headlines read "Iran Close to a Nuclear Weapon" while the fine print discloses
that the administration's own estimate suggests 2011 as the earliest date that
Iran might develop an atomic bomb. Most experts put that date much farther into
the future; many analysts believe Iran is divided and undecided about whether,
how fast, and how far to pursue a nuclear weapons program.  Yet, our military
planners are developing plans to move against Iran, reportedly including options
for the use of nuclear weapons by the U.S. in an attack. It's time to get off
the Bush administration's primrose path to another war and begin anew on a
genuine road to comprehensive nuclear weapons control.
:   What is to be done?  Nuclear weapons represent a serious threat to
everyone's security, no matter where they are. The Bush administration policies
of aggression and isolation have produced nuclear weapons in North Korea and led
other countries to consider possession of the atomic bomb as the effective means
of deterring U.S. aggression. The only workable solution to the control of
nuclear weapons is a comprehensive, international, even-handed one.  It is
essential that the efforts of our government be redirected in this fashion.
:   The undersigned members and supporters of Illinois Peace Action urge the
U.S. government to publicly change course and vigorously support cooperative,
international mechanisms for eliminating the nuclear weapons threat.
: ---------------------------------
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