[Peace-discuss] Shame of the Nation: A Collective Perversion

Morton K. Brussel brussel4 at insightbb.com
Tue Oct 24 11:19:15 CDT 2006

An excerpt from a longer piece at


I like his passion, his fighting words. The question is: Can anything  
be done about it?

This is the legacy of a generation of greed capped by the George Bush  
neocon presidency that will go down in history as a blight on  
humanity the likes of which may end up exceeding anything preceding  
it anywhere - if we survive to reflect on it. Call this era under the  
Bush neocons The Age of Perversion in contrast to an earlier Age of  
Enlightenment that helped inspire our liberating revolutionary spirit  
creating the glorious experiment of a democracy never before tried  
outside of the imperfect earlier version of it for a few decades in  
ancient Athens.

Theirs ended as ours is doing now, and many share the blame besides a  
rogue administration, Congress and courts. As much fault lies with  
the dominant interests in corporate boardrooms without whose  
complicity none of this would be tolerated, the powerful Jewish Lobby  
Zionists and their Christian fundamentalist/Zionist allies with  
enormous influence on policy, and those in academia and the major  
media who sold their souls pledging allegiance to a criminal  
enterprise posing as a legitimate government. They're all  
conspiratorially allied in its messianic mission of madness for the  
benefits they get at the expense of the public welfare and the  
ultimate price that one day will have to be paid for their  

Also blame the many millions of ordinary people so pre-occupied in  
their daily lives they took the word of a sadist and inveterate liar  
making empty promises to combat terror threats that don't exist while  
claiming to care about the democratic social equity and justice-for- 
all principles he, the Congress, courts and other dominant interests  
don't give a damn about.

How often the public falls for this scam, and how easy it is for  
those in power to deceive us any time they want to invent a new  
threat to scare us into going along with whatever scheme they have in  
mind and even fleece us in the process without our ever being the  
wiser. Like those they rape and plunder, we, too, are victims - of  
our own indifference that likely won't change until our wounds begin  
to smart and fester enough to cause real pain, but by then it may be  
too late.

We the people let them get away with their destructive scheme of  
endless imperial wars, income redistributionist tax cuts for the rich  
and corporate giants, the erosion of essential social services and  
the repressive USA Patriot Act that legalizes all intrusions into our  
lives and led to the just-enacted Military Commissions Act that  
effectively annuls the Constitution, criminalizes dissent and makes  
us all "enemy combatants" with no legal rights left to defend  
ourselves including the bedrock ones of habeas and due process. How  
low we've sunk in coming so far and how willing we've been to go along.

The crime of the nation is the shame of a failed state no longer seen  
abroad as a beacon and symbol of hope and freedom. We stand disrobed  
and exposed as an out-of-control dystopian rogue enterprise run by a  
craven leadership fighting a war of terror against humanity that's  
taking all of us on the road to hell.  Is there still time to stop  
this insanity and save the republic? We'll never know unless we  
finally realize the enormity of the threat and get aroused enough to  
fight back in our own self-defense.

Stephen Lendman lives in Chicago and can be reached at  
lendmanstephen at sbcglobal.net. Also visit his blog site at  
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