[Peace-discuss] Consent Decree 101

Ricky Baldwin baldwinricky at yahoo.com
Fri Oct 27 11:38:02 CDT 2006

Hi folks-

We have some proposed dates for the workshop with
Imani Bazell of the Urban League (and other efforts)
discussed at previous meetings.  

Subject: Champaign schools consent decree, background
and general info.

Object:  Educate ourselves so we can make informed
responses to some of the misrepresentations concerning
the consent decree that routinely pop up in our
community - letters to the editor, WILL commentaries,

Schedule: Imani and I did our best with folks'
schedules who said they were interested.  The best
evening is apparently Nov. 15; a lawyer involved in
the case could actually join us then.  Other
possibilities are Nov. 8 and 29 with Imani alone.  All
these are Wednesday evenings.  We also need to pick a
time when the most people can be there - 5? 5:30? 6? 
We'll need about 2 hours, Imani suggests.

So, if you'd like to come, please let me know your
thoughts ASAP so we can announce it more widely.


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