[Peace-discuss] Counter-Recruitment letter to editor

Jan & Durl Kruse jandurl at insightbb.com
Mon Aug 20 14:55:55 CDT 2007

Let's leave no child behind in Iraq war

Monday August 20, 2007

I recently wrote a long letter on the No Child Left Behind Act, Section  
9528. Unbeknownst to me, letters to the editor should not exceed 250  
words, and after reflection, I decided this was a wise policy.

Long letters about King George and Prince Cheney and their often  
illegal tactics aren't going to change anyone's mind made up about the  
war in Iraq. But in case parents missed this notice at your local  
school registration, here is the text of the one I picked up at  
Centennial High School, where my daughter attends.

"Public high schools in the United States are required by law to  
release students' personal information to military recruiters when  
asked to do so. Please be advised that you have the right to request  
that the school not release your specific information. If you do not  
want your student's personal information released to the military  
please submit your request in writing."

Secton 3 of NCLB 9528 says the military can collect the same  
information a potential college or employer can on your child. This may  
include Social Security numbers, birth dates, grade-point averages and  

Grade-point averages and ethnicity, you say? Surely the administration  
who brought us Halliburton, Tom DeLay, the Katrina debacle, Guantanamo,  
and wipes its feet with the U.S Constitution daily wouldn't be  
targeting poor or minority students for the military?

I am a great proponent of No Child Left Behind. I believe no child  
should be left behind to fight and give their life for rights  
(including the right to privacy) they aren't afforded here in America.

Support our troops, leave no American child behind in the Iraq  
quagmire, bring them home now.


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