[Peace-discuss] Recruiting news

Cody Bralts-Steindl codybralts at gmail.com
Mon Aug 20 14:56:17 CDT 2007

I am currently a sophomore at Urbana High School, and it was quite inspiring
reading this considering what they had to do to reach out to these students.
Earlier this year, while I was a freshman, the US army/marines/ had a booth
set up in lunch room (during when only freshman and sophomores would eat)
and they would give out free stuff to whoever did the most push ups. I found
this very frightening, because this illustrates how much control the
government has over us, and the the school system.


On 8/20/07, Shirley Stillinger <shirley.stillinger at gmail.com> wrote:
> A friend who had children go through Urbana High School told me that a
> recruiter called their home even though they had signed the opt-out form.
> te new email address:   shirley.stillinger at gmail.com.
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