[Peace-discuss] Israel turning away Darfur refugees

Ricky Baldwin baldwinricky at yahoo.com
Fri Aug 24 17:28:06 CDT 2007

We remember as one of the nastier moments in US
history the turning away of Jewish refugees from the
"Hitlerzeit" holocaust.

I just saw a photo, by AFP, of Sudanese refugees
demonstrating in Jerusalem against the Israeli govt's
policy of turning away refugees from the war-torn
Darfur province, which has I believe surpassed Sierra
Leone in number of UN peacekeepers.

Apparently "never again" can have a very narrow
meaning for some in the statecraft profession who
benefit from the sentiment when it suits them.  I'm
not the first to point is out, but I thought I'd share
the particularly glaring example.

It might also be interesting to ponder how often the
"international community" is willing to send in troops
to "knock heads together" but not accept the civilian
sufferers into their/our midst.


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