[Peace-discuss] Fwd: RE: [NotInMyName] A horrifying new development on campuses ...

C. G. Estabrook galliher at uiuc.edu
Fri Aug 31 10:57:34 CDT 2007

It may in fact be more silly than horrifying, given the obvious and 
clumsy propaganda campaign that it is, but it might be an occasion to 
raise on campus serious issues, literally of life and death.  And AWARE 
might have a role here, in part because in four years of war the UIUC 
faculty has shown itself to be something less than an universite engagee 
(pardon my [lack of] French [accents]).

We should not of course be too harsh about the Great Silence on campus 
about the war.  Many academics of my vintage will tell you at the 
slightest prompting how "radical" they were during Vietnam (and add 
quickly that alas times are different now), but people who actually 
lived through those years on university campuses know that active 
academic opposition to that war was always a minority phenomenon (and 
that as surveys showed support for USG polices tended to be directly, 
not inversely, proportional to years of formal education).

So some attention to joint town-gown activities -- demos, panels, 
perhaps even dorm or club discussions, etc. -- as soon as six weeks from 
now might be worthwhile; and we might try to involve more faculty. --CGE

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