[Peace-discuss] another notable signing statement (and a test of peace-discuss)

Stuart Levy slevy at ncsa.uiuc.edu
Fri Jan 5 09:46:40 CST 2007

The headline on commondreams.org raises an issue I hadn't heard about:
apparently in December, Bush added a signing statement to a
bill related to the US Postal Service.  Though the bill
"explicitly reinforced protections of first-class mail from
searches without a court's approval", Bush's signing statement
"construe"s an exception "which provides for opening of an item
of a class of mail otherwise sealed against inspection in a manner
consistent ... with the need to conduct searches in exigent

But of course, we're always living in an emergency.   So our
administration has given itself license to open any postal mail
it deems interesting.

A "top Senate Intelligence Committee aide" promised that this
signing statement is "something we're going to look into."

Article, originally from the New York Daily News, at

I'm also posting this as a test of the peace/peace-discuss
lists.  The chambana.net domain expired this morning,
so posting to <whatever>@lists.chambana.net as we usually do
will not work until it can be renewed.  I'm posting this
to test whether <whatever>@lists.ucimc.org
will work in the mean time.


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