[Peace-discuss] Democrats to Bush: Time to end Iraq war

Chas. 'Mark' Bee c-bee1 at itg.uiuc.edu
Fri Jan 5 15:43:27 CST 2007

"The American people demonstrated in the November elections that they do not 
believe your current Iraq policy will lead to success and that we need a change 
of direction for the sake of our troops," the letter said....

Democrats to Bush: Time to end Iraq war


WASHINGTON (AFP) - The US Congress's new Democratic leaders warned President 
George W. Bush that surging more troops into Iraq would fail and it was time to 
end the war, days before his expected unveiling of a new US strategy.

New Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid and new House of Representatives Speaker 
Nancy Pelosi flexed political muscles acquired by grabbing control of Congress 
in November's elections, cranking up pressure on the White House.

Bush, widely expected to send more troops into Iraq in a last-ditch effort to 
rescue the violence-wracked nation, also faced new pressure from the opposite 
political flank, as hawkish senators John McCain and Joseph Lieberman urged him 
not to admit defeat.

Pelosi and Reid called on Bush to start a phased redeployment of US forces 
within four to six months.
"After nearly four years of combat, tens of thousands of US casualties and over 
300 billion dollars, it is time to bring the war to a close," the two leaders 

"The American people demonstrated in the November elections that they do not 
believe your current Iraq policy will lead to success and that we need a change 
of direction for the sake of our troops," the letter said.

"Surging forces is a strategy that you have already tried and that has already 

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